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Difference Between AC & DC Power


Fundamental Differences

Alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) refer to how electrons flow through a conductor. As the names suggest, in AC the direction of electrons alternate frequently, but in DC the electrons flow in only one direction. In reality, both AC and DC are flow of electrons, but they differ the way they flow. The differences in this flow stem from the way AC and DC are produced. AC is produced by rotating magnet along wire while DC is produced with steady magnetism. That’s why in a graph the AC looks like a sine curve, but the DC is a straight line. A common example of AC is the power we get from the power companies. On the other hand, an example of DC would be the power supplied by an alkaline battery.


Differences in Their Usage

Equipment such as flashlight that uses batteries are essentially using DC power. On the other hand, the lights in our houses use AC power. Many devices use both AC and DC. For example, a laptop uses both AC and DC power. It receives AC from the electrical outlet on the wall. Then it converts this AC power to DC by the power adapter, and receives that DC power to run the laptop. In the United States AC supplied to homes is 120 volts at 60 Hz, meaning they oscillate 60 times per second. For more info visit the electrician north shore website.




Performance Differences

The reason AC is so prevalent is that it’s much more economic to produce than DC power. Another big factor that made AC popular is the efficiency with which it can be transmitted over long distances. Such is not the case with DC power. DC power very quickly loses strength with distance. The strength of AC can also be easily regulated by transformers.


Future of AC and DC Power

Thomas Edison is credited with advocating DC power, but Nikola Tesla is often cited as the originator of AC power. Though AC power has reigned as the most used electric power, DC is having a comeback in recent years with the advent of solar cells and electric cars. In modern day, there is no rivalry between these two forms of electric power. In most cases they work hand in hand to serve us better.

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5 Things to Know Before Hiring an Electrical Contractor

Other than the “light” duties like changing a bulb, electrical work isn’t something that you should handle all by yourself. An electrical contractor is a professional who can aid in matters regarding electrical installation or repair. Do you want to hire one? Well, you shouldn’t hire just anybody. You need to find an electrical contractor that won’t only do a great job but one who will keep time and maintain a professional approach. Here are some things you need to know before hiring an electrical contractor.

  1. The Problem at Hand

You need to first assess whether you really need an electrician. This entails identifying the problem. You will need to ask yourself is the problem fixable? Can I do it myself? Is my safety at risk? If the task is difficult, then you should hire an electrical contractor.

  1. The Fees

Now that you have identified the problem, you then need to find out the average charges that you may incur by hiring an electrical contractor. You can compare charges from different electrical contractor websites. Knowing the average charges can help you be cautious of contractors who might want to extort you.

  1. The Qualification of the Contractor

When hiring an electrical contractor you need to make sure that he/she is qualified. An unqualified electrician can damage your electrical appliance and put you in great danger. Always ask for documentation that proves the contractor is qualified to do such works. Don’t forget to also ask for the license.

  1. The Experience

Experience will always be the best teacher. Hiring an experienced electrical contractor assures you that the job done will be excellent. Therefore, before you hire one, ask how long they have been operating. You should also ask for previous success stories.

  1. The Attitude of the Electrical Contractor

You can easily identify the attitude of an electrical contractor just by talking to them. If he/she has a positive attitude, then that means that you can get along and he/she can fix all of your problems. However, if the electrical contractor is ignorant, then things won’t run smoothly.

The above are 5 essential things that you need to know before hiring an electrical contractor. Make sure that you do thorough research and analysis before you hire one.

Choosing an affordable electrician

Have you been searching for a pocket-friendly service provider who will cater for all your electrical complications and without causing any compromise on the quality of service? Well, an exquisite recommendation for you would be to have sufficient insight into how to invest in an affordable electrician Ringwood to help you with your property management needs. While an electrical service provider might be the next best solution for your property, making an informed decision has its inherent benefits for the overall electrical service that you receive each time. It’s important to note that the quality of electrical wiring and installations plays a major role in the functionality and market value of your property as well.

Tips to consider

When it comes to choosing an affordable electrician service provider, it’s important for you to consider factors. For instance, you want to evaluate the overall service packages provided by the given contractor in relation to the pricing strategy used as well. Although some electrical services might require a higher level of competence and equipment to get the job done right, you always want to receive the best possible value for your money. An affordable electrician will not only provide you with some of the most pocket-friendly prices that are available on the consumer market today, but they will also provide you with special discounts each time you come for repeat services.

Broadly speaking, the affordable electrician should provide you with the same benefits as other conventional service providers. However, the most important aspect is the electrician service should be affordable enough for your spending needs. This is especially true when planning to invest in electrician services and you are on a stringent budget. A good recommendation for you would be for you to develop a coherent cost estimate of the entire electrician service such that you can determine whether it fits your budget capabilities.

Best of all, an affordable electrician provides you with a reasonable payment structure, especially when the entire project will require lots of work, expertise, and equipment. The added benefit is that choosing an affordable service provider is a simple task each time. This is because you have various resources at your disposal, which you can use to make informed choices each time.

How to choose an affordable electrician?

The following are some of the notable factors to consider when choosing an electrician to cater for your property development needs:

l Seek advice from other property owners

l Search for electrician services within your region on the internet

l Evaluate the service packages of the contractor

l Avoid investing without developing a coherent estimate of the entire project


In conclusion, the quality of electric wiring and installations in your property has many benefits. For instance, it provides a convenient method for powering your electrical tools, and it also comprises of the appropriate safety features. For this reason, any savvy property owner is directly inclined to make an informed decision before investing in the services of any affordable electrician for top quality property development results each time.